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How Gate Valve Works


A gate valve is a type of valve used to control the flow of fluid through a pipe or conduit. It operates by using a gate or wedge-shaped disc that moves up and down to open or close the flow passage. Here's a basic explanation of how a gate valve works:

  1. Valve Body: A gate valve consists of a valve body, which is a cylindrical or rectangular housing with pipe connections on either end. The body contains the flow passage where the gate moves.

  2. Gate/Wedge: Inside the valve body, there is a gate or wedge-shaped disc that can slide up and down within the valve. The gate is usually made of metal, such as brass or stainless steel, and has a sealing surface that matches the shape of the valve seat.

  3. Open Position: When the gate valve is fully open, the gate is lifted completely out of the flow passage, allowing fluid to flow through the valve unobstructed. The gate is positioned in the upper part of the valve body.

  4. Closing the Valve: To close the gate valve, the gate is lowered into the flow passage by turning the valve handle or operating mechanism. As the gate descends, it gradually obstructs the flow passage, reducing the flow of fluid.

  5. Sealing: When the gate reaches its fully closed position, the sealing surfaces of the gate and valve seat come into contact, creating a tight seal that prevents fluid from passing through the valve.

  6. Opening the Valve: To open the gate valve, the gate is lifted back up by turning the valve handle or operating mechanism in the opposite direction. As the gate rises, it clears the flow passage, allowing fluid to flow through the valve again.

  7. Full Bore and Reduced Bore: Gate valves can have either a full bore or reduced bore design. In a full bore gate valve, the gate opening is the same size as the pipe, ensuring minimal obstruction to the flow. In a reduced bore gate valve, the gate opening is smaller than the pipe, resulting in a smaller flow area.

It's important to note that gate valves are primarily designed for on/off control rather than flow regulation. They are typically used in applications where a full, unobstructed flow is desired or when a tight shutoff is required. Gate valves are commonly used in industries such as oil and gas, water treatment, power plants, and more.

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